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About Laura

Where it all began…..

I have always had a passion for working with children from a very young age. My dream to open a nursery one day became a reality in April 2010, when just a few months before someone mentioned the beautiful school in West Lavington which had closed down. I jumped at the chance and haven’t looked back. When Little Laura’s first opened we had two children on register, I was in a relationship with Richard and only employed two teachers. Now in April 2019, I am married to Richard and have three children aged 5, 4 & 1 along with 55 children on our books and 12 members in our team.

Through running the nursery and being a mother, I have continued to understand the importance of children learning through play. I believe my children constantly show me that it is about the process rather than the end product. We all love the outdoors, having three boys has made me understand the importance of having nature in our life, along with that need to burn off that excess energy to help them not to show it in their behaviour. We can spend too long worrying about them hitting those milestones when in fact all children get there, it is not a race but a small window in their life to learn, that is what I love so much & why Little Laura’s started.

How are we evolving?

Little Laura’s is constantly evolving and I do not believe we will ever stop. As a team we are constantly reflecting on our practice, questioning what we are doing with the children and how they are developing. We take regular observations on how the space/ equipment we have available to them is engaging them in an activity. We ensure that we meet all needs of every child we have attending and things are adapted accordingly. As the children are all in one room, we work as a family, with the younger children watching the older children and the older children learn so much empathy with having children smaller than them in a room. We believe whilst children all have their own Key Person, the whole team know the children so well which makes us special.

“The more risks you allow your children to make, the better they learn to look after themselves”
– Roald Dahl